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Rules for JSCC Research Encouragement Awards

We establish this Award in order to promote advances in coordination chemistry.

Section 1 We establish the JSCC Research Encouragement Award (here after the “Award”) that will be given to the author whose paper has made an outstanding contributions to promote advances in coordination chemistry.
Section 2 The award shall be given to no more than two individuals every year.
Section 3 In order to be eligible for the Award a candidate shall have been a member of JSCC for more than one year on April 1 of the Award year, besides a candidate shall be thirty-eight years old or younger. However, if an applicant has had to suspend his or her research activities due to life events or other causes, the application will be considered even if the applicant exceeds the age limit.
Section 4 The Award shall consist of a shield that will be given at the Annual Symposium.
Section 5 The JSCC Research Encouragement Award Review Committee (here after the “Review Committee”) shall be responsible for the selection of the Award. The JSCC councilors shall be the Review Committee members, and the Vice president of JSCC shall be the chairman of the Review Committee.
Section 6 Selection of candidates shall be made in accordance with the provision of “Additional Rules for JSCC Research Encouragement Awards”.
Section 7 The chairman of the Review Committee shall report the result and its reason to the President by the date of a JSCC general meeting.
Section 8 These rules may be amended by a careful discussion at the Council and an approval at the general meeting.
These rules become effective from October 1, 2002.

September 26, 2007 Partial Amendment
September 23, 2023 Partial Amendment

Additional Rules for JSCC Research Encouragement Awards

(General rules)

Section 1 Giving the JSCC Research Encouragement Award (here after the “Award”) and management of the JSCC Research Encouragement Award review committee (here after the “Review Committee”) shall be in accordance with the provision of “Rules of JSCC Research Encouragement Awards” and this additional rules.


Section 2 Entry to this Award shall be submitted through self-recommendation.
Section 3 According to an entry method, entries shall submit necessary papers to the Office by a deadline.
Section 4 The person who has once won the Award cannot enter again.

(Review Committee)

Section 5 Entries cannot become review committees.
Section 6 The chairman of the Review Committee (the Vice president of JSCC, here after the “Chairman”) call the Review Committee. The Review Committee should be held with the answers or the attendances of two thirds or more of the Review Committee members including screen applications.
Section 7 The Review Committee may listen the explanation of contents of a paper from the entries. The Review Committee shall not pay any travel expenses or transportation expenses for the achievement explanation. The review shall be held by voting.
Section 8 These additional rules may be amended by a careful discussion and an approval at the Council.
These additional rules become effective from April 1, 2003.
Additional remarks The award winner shall submit an abstract of the Award lecture for a book of abstracts of the JSCC Annual Symposium. The Award winner shall also contribute an Award Account on the winning research to “Bulletin of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry” (BJSCC) which will be published in the year.

September 26, 2007 Partial Amendment
September 11, 2016 Partial Amendment

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